Ricerca - JEUCON Project (Judicial EU Competition Network) - English version

PROGETTO JEUCON (Judicial EU Competition Network) Versione italiana 

CoordinatorUniversità degli Studi di Genova – Prof. Avv. Francesco Munari


The project
The project “Judicial EU Competition Network (JEUCON)”, co-financed by the European Commission, the University of Genoa (Italy), in cooperation with Scuola Superiore della Magistratura, Distretto di Genova is organizing a series of seminars for the training of Member States national judges in EU competition law.

The project aims at training member states judges, apprentice judges and lawyers in EU competition law. The seminars and the conference organized within the project aim at providing the basics of EU competition law, but also to involve participants in thesolution of most complex cases of application of EU competition law. A special attention is dedicated to antitrust damage actions, as governed by the newly adopted EU Directive no. 104/2014, on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union. This instrument raises inter alia several procedural questions regarding private antitrust enforcement, such as the access to evidence, quantification of damage, jurisdiction and applicable law before national courts.

The Project includes:

I) A training course for judges, made of 4 intensive workshops and a final conference (see “events and courses” section of this website).

II) A training course for apprentice judges enrolled in Scuola di Specializzazione delle Professioni Legali (“SSPL”) at University of Genoa, including 3 classes spread in the curriculum of courses and a final conference (see “events and courses” section of this website).

Both seminars and the final conference are open to Italian and foreign judges. The Project also funds 10 scholarships covering participation costs of foreign judges at the final conference. Publication of conference proceedings shall be provided (see “publications” section of the present website).


Events and courses

Seminars materials


Self-assessment questionnaire



Ultimo aggiornamento 2 Novembre 2016